Cornerstone Equity assessor criteria
The Cornerstone Equity module builds on the equity work undertaken in the Foundation Standard.
Indicators place an emphasis upon a practice’s commitment to pro-equity leadership, practice teams, and workforce development, embedding equity in day to day processes.
The module also focuses on health equity outcomes for Māori as tangata whenua under Te Tiriti o Waitangi and provides an overall inclusive and culturally safe environment and experience.
Equity assessor core competencies:
- Recent experience in primary health care general practice, PHO or similar health care environment
- Proven ability to apply cultural competence, cultural safety, and health equity frameworks in the Aotearoa NZ health setting
- Skilled in Te Reo Maori vocabulary and pronunciation
Desirable criteria:
- Experience in a Kaupapa Māori practice and or health setting
- Experience in assessment against standards
- NZ cultural competence/Equity and bias training (or proven proficiency)
- Other cultural competence or assessment qualifications such as US4098
In addition to your CV, please upload a Word document with your responses to the following points:
- Describe an equity initiative you have initiated or implemented and the resultant outcomes of that initiative.
- Do you believe there is inequity within the New Zealand healthcare system?
- In reference to the Code of Rights, identify which of the rights relate to equity
- Describe any additional preparations or provisions, if any, you would make when visiting a Kaupapa Māori practice for an onsite assessment.