
Term Definition
Accreditation The process by which the College determines if the practice meets the requirements of the Foundation Standard or Cornerstone module(s).
Akoranga Māori term for teaching and learning.
College-endorsed assessor An individual who has completed assessor training and has been approved by the College.
Criteria/criterion Specific requirements (criteria) or individual requirement (criterion) that must be met to satisfy the indicator.
Evidence Materials provided by the practice to demonstrate how they are meeting the criteria.
Expiry date Date on which a practice’s accreditation in Foundation Standard and/or Cornerstone module lapses.
Foundation Standard The College’s quality assurance programme. The pre-requisite for entry into the Cornerstone programme.
Guidance Resources, tools, trainings, and clarifying notes for indicators and criteria.
He kupu tohutohu Māori term for words of advice/guidance and resources.
He rauemi Māori term for resources.
He tohutohu Māori term for guidance.
Indicator Statement of performance the College expects a practice to meet.
Kaiāwhina Māori term for helper, assistant, contributor, counsel, advocate. Often used in the role title of health and social services support workers.
Kāwanatanga Māori term for government, dominion, rule, authority, governorship, province. Used as the title definition of Article I of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
Moderation The process by which the College ensures the assessment processes are standardised.
Module Self-contained unit within the Cornerstone programme focusing on a specific topic/area (i.e. health equity or teaching environment and delivery).
Ngā Kaihoe Practice team.
Ōritetanga Māori term for equality, equal opportunity. Used as the title definition of Article III of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
PSAAP Primary Health Organisation Service Agreement Amendment Protocol.
Reaccreditation The process by which a practice continues to meet the requirements of the Foundation Standard or Cornerstone module(s).
Refresher Activity by which a practice affirms and articulates how they have maintained (or improved) their performance since originally completing and achieving the Foundation Standard or Cornerstone module(s) accreditation.
Rongoā Māori Māori term for natural remedy, traditional treatment, Māori medicine.
Significant change Can include, but is not limited to, the following situations:
  • A change in practice location
  • Change in ownership
  • Major renovation
  • Practice closure
  • Merged practices
  • Damage caused by fire, earthquake or any other extreme event
If you are unsure whether a change within your practice could be deemed as 'significant' please contact the College.
Tangata whenua Māori term for People of the Land, a term that denotes the indigenous status in Aotearoa of Māori.
Te hautūtanga Māori term for leadership.
Te kāhui mahi Māori term for workforce.
Te mana taurite Māori term for equity.
Te tuapapa kounga Māori term for Foundation Standard.
Te whakatere waka Māori term for service development and delivery
Tier status Cornerstone programme quality levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold) representing achievement.
Tino Rangatiratanga Māori term for self-determination, sovereignty, autonomy, self-government, domination, rule, control, power. Used as the title definition of Article II of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.