The College’s Quality framework is made up of two programmes – Foundation and Cornerstone.

Foundation is the prerequisite onto the Cornerstone programme which shows a practice’s commitment to quality improvement.

The new Cornerstone programme is modular giving practices options and we’ve introduced accreditation levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold.

Practices will need to complete two core modules - Equity and Continuous Quality Improvement, to be awarded Cornerstone Bronze accreditation. Practices can build on this, completing further modules to reach Silver or Gold status.

Cornerstone Continuous Quality Improvement module

The Cornerstone Continuous Quality Improvement allows practices to demonstrate their work towards improving health outcomes.

Cornerstone Equity module

The Cornerstone Equity module builds on the equity work undertaken in the Foundation Standard.

Cornerstone Teaching module

The Cornerstone Teaching module sets the expectations of teaching practices and ensures it is an effective and safe training environment for GP registrar and other healthcare professionals.

Purchasing a module

The Cornerstone Equity, Teaching and Continuous Quality Improvement modules are now available for purchasing.
To purchase a module, please follow the login button at the top right-hand side of your screen and use your practice login details