Training requirements 

Certain indicators require completed training records as evidence. In some cases, the College has chosen not to prescribe specific training or the frequency of training. One size does not fit all and therefore practices are encouraged to assess their own training needs and identify which training best fits the scope of their individual practice.  

In-house training is also acceptable to meet some training requirements. In this instance the trainer needs to be qualified or competent, or have previously trained themselves in this area. To assist practices with documenting uncertificated training, the College has developed this training template.

Induction training

Orientation and induction for new practice team members should be tailored to each role and include the key processes within general practice, for example:

  • Privacy
  • The Code
  • Complaints
  • Māori Health
  • Clinical processes
  • Clinical governance
  • Infection Control/waste management
  • Health and Safety
  • Child protection
  • Emergency planning
  • Quality improvement initiatives (quality plan)

Simplifying the uploading of training documents

For practices with over 20 team members you may choose to only upload the following in entirety:

  • cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certificates for all clinicians
  • annual practising certificates (APCs)
  • police vetting certificates and the associated risk summary.

For the remainder of the training documents, please enter the details of completed training on a spreadsheet, or on the College’s training template available in excel* and in word* . Your assessor will then make a 30% random selection of the training documents and ask the practice to upload this selection for review. 

For practices with under 20 team members, please upload all your training documents and certificates in their entirety. We do encourage the use of a training spreadsheet to help you track and monitor the practice’s training documentation and certificates. 

The following list summarises the Foundation Standard training requirements. For more information, such as recommended training providers, please refer to the relevant indicator within the Foundation Standard guidance.

Indicator 1 – The Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights 
All team members are to complete the Code of Health and Disability Services Consumers’ Rights 1996 training once. The College will accept in-house training, for example, a team member who has completed the training themselves may train others providing they are competent to do so.

Indicator 2 - Patient Information 
All team members are to complete current Privacy Act and Code training once.

The Privacy Officer is responsible for understanding the Privacy Commission’s guidance and ensuring resources are available for training. Privacy Officers are to complete Privacy 101 and Health 101 offered by the Office of the Privacy Commissioner. 

The practice can determine training for the remaining team members relevant to their roles, which may include additional training over the required minimum of Privacy Act 2020 and Health ABC. 

All training is to be completed through the Office of the Privacy Commissioner e-learning site.

Please see the guidance for more detailed information on privacy training.

Indicator 3 – Rights and Health Needs of Māori 
The College recognises that practices require different levels of Te Tiriti o Waitangi training and continuous professional development (CPD). The nature of the practice will determine the type of training or CPD the team requires. For example, general practices with high Māori patient and practice team demographics should demonstrate how they apply Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles in their practice. This may be captured in meeting notes and can be used as evidence. 

Other practices may need to learn the basics of Te Tiriti o Waitangi before putting the principles in action, in this case, team members should undergo specific Te Tiriti training which may be done in-house or through a training provider. 

Sometimes a mixed approach may suit the practice, for example, most of the team are demonstrating momentum in applying Te Tiriti o Waitangi principles while a few team members may require training in order to get them up to speed. In this situation the evidence presented may be a mixture of formal or in-house Te Tiriti o Waitangi training, alongside other documented evidence. 

Indicator 4 – Responsiveness to Diversity 
Cultural competency and diversity training along with ongoing professional development will help team members deliver culturally safe care and be responsive to the cultural needs of patients. When deciding which training may best suit your team, consider the enrolled population groups within the practice, such as an under-represented ethnicity, migrants, refugees, religious groups, those with disabilities or impairments and those who identify as gender diverse. If a team member has previously completed cultural diversity training, it is expected there is a continuation of professional development activities in this area. At times a practice may design their own training to reflect the needs of their diverse groups. This could be delivered by an in-house trainer, for example the Equity Champion.

Indicator 6 – Responsiveness to Urgent Health Needs 

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for non- clinical team members

Although it is desirable for many people within the team to be able to assist with CPR, it is not always essential for non-clinical team members to hold CPR certification. However, in some locations non-clinical team members may be required to initiate CPR or to assist at a medical emergency. This may happen in solo and rural practices or where the reception team are working without any clinical team members available onsite (the clinical team may be on meal breaks or perhaps the receptionist opens the medical centre before any clinical team are in the practice). In these situations, it is essential that non-clinical team members are certified in CPR.

Monitoring waiting areas

Non-clinical team members should be trained on how to identify critical signs and symptoms in patients attending the practice who may need more urgent medical attention. 

Training should reflect the practice’s internal triage process and include the signs and symptoms to observe, including monitoring the waiting area to observe for deterioration in patients and what to do.

Annual clinical emergency drills

The team should perform annual medical emergency drills with all team members (where possible) and the analysis and debrief should be held directly afterwards. The guidance has information on things to consider when organising a drill and then analysing performance. The analysis and debrief should be well documented including the list of attendees. 

Indicator 9 – Prescribing and Medicine Reconciliation
Each registered nurse working with standing order(s) is trained as per the Ministry of Health Standing Order Guidelines. 
The College will also accept documented in-house training (e.g. train-the-trainer).  

Indicator 12 – Infection Control and Health Care Waste 
The practice should identify which training best fits the scope of their individual practices and align this with the NZ Standards applied to this indicator. For training recommendations, practices should consult the Ministry of Health, their PHO and/or the manufacturer/retailer of the equipment. The College will also accept correctly documented in-house training. 

Indicator 13 – Health and Safety
Practice team members are familiar with the practice’s Health and Safety policy and the Health and Safety at Work Act 

If the practice has over 20 employees and a team member requests it, a trained Health and Safety Representative is to be appointed.

Managers may choose to complete the WorkSafe Representative training for managers and supervisors, but this is optional. 

Hazardous substances 
To determine whether a hazardous substance requires certified handler training, refer to the Health and Safety regulation 13.9.

The grading of the substance determines whether certified training is required or whether correctly documented in-house training using the data sheet information will be sufficient. 

Indicator 14:  Emergency continuity 
Evacuation drills are to be undertaken six monthly. Practice team members are familiar with their roles and responsibilities during an evacuation drill. Documented analysis and debrief of the evacuation drill scenario. 

Indicator 15:  Employee and contractor safety checking procedures
All team members require training to ensure they are skilled to detect, manage and report child abuse as per the Children’s Act 2014. 

In-house training is also acceptable provided it is conducted by a clinical team member who has attended the recommended training, or an external provider who is suitably qualified or competent.  To assist practices with documenting uncertificated/external provider training, the College has developed this training template.