Policies and regulations

The Rural Hospital Medicine Training Programme (RHMTP) is overseen by the Division of Rural Hospital Medicine. The Division is a semi-autonomous body within the College and operates on two levels, the Council and the Board of Studies.

The policies, regulations, and criteria below are for students in the RHMTP and the kaiako and clinics that teach them.

Fellowship Regulations

The Division’s Council, through the Board of Studies, monitors standards for the award of the RHM qualification.

The Division’s training programme is accredited through the Medical Council of New Zealand.

Grievances, Complaints, and Disputes Policy

This policy outlines the Division’s processes for registrar grievances about training processes or disputes with those involved in their training.

Reconsideration, Review, and Appeal Policy

This policy outlines the process and procedures for reconsideration and appeal of decisions taken by the Division as part of its function as a training body.

This is to ensure that due process was followed in reaching decisions, and that proper consideration was given to appropriate evidence or information in relation to those decisions. This is subject to the matter being within this policy’s scope.

Hospital Accreditation Criteria

Applicants will be expected to provide the following information:

  1. Educational facilities required
  2. Quality of Education, Training, and learning
  3. Clinical supervision
  4. Support services for trainees

Special Consideration in Assessment Policy

This policy outlines how assessment discretion can be applied in exceptional circumstances.

The Division wants to make sure registrars are treated equitably when illness, disability, or personal circumstances are beyond the control of the candidate in relation to assessment.

Admissions Policy

Outlines the process and procedures for admission to the training programme for the Division of Rural Hospital Medicine, New Zealand.