Teaching and support

When you’re in GPEP, you’ll be guided and supported along the way by an expert team of Medical Educators, kaiako, advisors, and support staff at the College.

Medical Educators 

The College’s team of medical educators is regionally based and responsible for different areas of the motu. They will guide you through the GPEP curriculum. They will monitor your progress, receive reports from your kaiako, observe you in your practice, and review your formative activities. They’re also a support person for you because they’ve done it all before.

Dr Stefan Freudenberg
Dr Stefan Freudenberg is a Medical Educator and helps to train the next generation of specialist general practitioners.


Teachers will work with you to develop a learning and professional development plan (PDP). Your PDP will include:

  • learning goals
  • activities and skills development
  • support available to you
  • the resources you need to achieve your goals.

Kaiako will also work with management in your practice to ensure you are prepared for GPEP and engaged throughout the three years of study.

College education coordinators 

Your education coordinators are based at the College’s head office in Te Whanganui-a-tara Wellington. They provide administrative support to you, your Medical Educator, and your practice.

They are your first point of contact if you have queries regarding leave or claims and can connect you with more learning support if that’s what you need.

You can send them an email at GPEP1@rnczgp.org.nz or GPEP2@rnzcgp.org.nz (for GPEP year 2, 3, or 3+ support).