General Practice Education Training Programme
The General Practice Education Programme (GPEP) is how doctors who trained in New Zealand study to become a Fellow of the College. This study also awards them vocational registration in the scope of general practice from the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ). It is at least a three-year full-time equivalent (FTE) programme of study. However, there are part-time options, too.
Over the three years of GPEP you will be supported by medical educators, teachers, your peers, and the College.
Learn more about each year of the programme
Voluntary Bonding Scheme
Te Whatu Ora manage a Voluntary Bonding Scheme that GPEP registrars may be eligible for. You can find out more information about the scheme including eligibility criteria, the amount available, and the application process.

How you will learn
Your learning will mainly happen in a general practice. You will work with patients and experience the day-to-day rewards and challenges of working as a GP.
At least 18 months of your clinical time will be spent in unrestricted general practice. However, you can talk to the College about doing the remaining 18 months of clinical time in a combination of other vocational and restricted scopes.
Your learning will also be supported and led by:
- Medical educators, teachers, the College’s two clinical leads (Northern and Southern), and College education coordinators
- seminars and workshops
- Te Ara, a dedicated online learning platform, with online modules and discussion forums
- peer support
- video reviews and patient feedback
- the College’s team of GPEP advisors.
Previous clinical or academic training
If you have clinical experience or other relevant qualifications, you have completed prior to joining GPEP you may be exempt from one or more of GPEP’s clinical and academic components.